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We have you covered when it comes time to explain the MACRA 2020 changes to your clients. The Getting Ready for MACRA 2020 by white paper contains the same level of research and market expertise that is in the agent focused Getting Ready for MACRA 2020 white paper.

This guide will help your clients focus on the opportunities they may have when working with you to make an informed decision on how to move forward post MACRA 2020.

The YourMedicare white paper Get Ready for AEP 2020 is for Med Supp agents who want to get certified
and sell Medicare Advantage plans.

It’s no secret that Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are the fastest growing segment of the Medicare market. As more senior clients vote with their checkbooks – in favor of MA plans – Many top senior-focused agents are taking steps add MA plans to the product tool kits. This guide shows you the path to becoming a MA Agent.

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